About Troop 22
Scouts BSA Troop 22 is located in Raleigh, NC and serves boys (Troop22B) and girls (Troop 22G) from Apex, Cary and Raleigh. It was started in August 2012. Troop 22 is part of the Cardinal District in the Occoneechee Council. We are located at Macedonia Baptist Church and are associated with Cub Scout Pack 222.
We camp just about every month and attend Scout Summer camp every summer the week of July 4th. Our campouts teach not only outdoor skills and appreciation of natural areas, but also provide advancement opportunities and adventure.
The Troop is Scout-led with adults acting in an advisory, safety, and transportation roles. We encourage parents to consider a role with the Troop in which they can best use their talents and skills to help (i.e. Troop Committee, Assistant Scoutmaster, Merit Badge Counselor, Membership).
Our Scoutmasters are Brie Kerns (22G) and Alex Marzec (22B) and our Committee Chair is Matt Kauffman. If you are interested in joining our troop please stop by one of our weekly troop meetings (Thursday 7:00-8:30pm) or contact Mr. Kauffman or Ms Kerns or Mr. Marzec for more information.
Troop Meetings
Thursdays 7:00-8:30 pm
Macedonia Baptist Church
7100 Holly Springs Road
Raleigh, NC 27606